Southern Arizonas most trusted and affordable Private Investigation Specialists
Welcome to Patriot Shield Investigations
Hiring a private investigator doesn’t need to be intimidating, or make you feel like you’re doing something wrong, or illegal. At Patriot Shield Investigations (PSI) we are a team of retired law enforcement agents who have dedicated our entire adult lives to enforcing the law. We are licensed by the Arizona Department of Public Safety, and we are required to follow strict guidelines in performing our duties, and conducting investigations. Our mission is to help the average person who finds themselves in a troubling situation. There’s no shame in hiring a private investigator, and there’s certainly nothing illegal about it.
There’s a certain stereotype associated with people’s perception of private investigators, largely due to Hollywood shows, and movies. Real life private investigators are professional, approachable, and law- abiding members of the communities we live in. Many of us belong to charitable organizations, and “give back” to the community whenever, and wherever possible.
Elder Abuse
At PSI we can provide investigative strategies in Elderly and Vulnerable Adult Financial Exploitation, Abuse, Neglect cases involving professional misconduct, inappropriate family relationships, internet social media scams and prosecution support.

Welcome to Patriot Shield Investigations
At PSI we are genuinely concerned for our clients. We don’t see them as a just another payday, or business transaction, but as people who have a legitimate need. We became law enforcement agents out of a desire to help people, and do good. As private detectives, that dedication to duty, and service, hasn’t changed. We derive a sense of justice, and satisfaction in helping our clients resolve their difficulties. We embrace challenging situations with confidence, so don’t hesitate to contact us today if you need help.
Let's get started!

Services for Law Firms & Businesses

Specialized Insurance Services

Services for Individuals
If you are struggling with a problem that can only be resolved through the use of a private investigator, please contact us so that we can work together to restore peace of mind to your life, and the lives of your loved ones.